Pete Hegseth: The Beginning of the End For the US Military

US Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth and his new US Military cartoon image of booze-riddled Pete Hegseth and his disheveled and booze-riddled White Christian National Crusader troops.
US Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth hangs with his disheveled, booze-riddled White Christian Nationalist Crusaders after a long morning of drinking and harassing the Black, Latino, Asian, Muslim, and women soldiers. They can hardly wait until five when they can really booze it up, don their robes and hoods, and roam the town to burn crosses on the lawns of “the others.”

Pete Hegseth, a 44-year-old, former Fox News host with ties to white nationalist ideologies (and the tattoos to prove it), was narrowly confirmed as Secretary of Defense after Vice President JD Vance broke a 50-50 Senate tie. Hegseth’s record includes anti-Muslim rhetoric, opposition to women in combat, open affiliations with far-right movements, marital infidelity, and allegations of alcohol abuse and corporate financial mismanagement.

They’re Eating Cats and Dogs!

How fitting that JD Vance cast the deciding vote to confirm suspected white nationalist Pete Hegseth. This is the same JD Vance who unapologetically spread one of the most racist, vile, and inflammatory lies in political history—alleging that Haitian immigrants in Ohio were slaughtering and eating their neighbors’ pets.

Hegseth’s glaringly inadequate experience, extremist views, and the damning accusations swirling around him like a grenade with the pin already pulled, combined with his unquestioning loyalty to Trump, will sow chaos and erode respect within the Pentagon and marked division and consternation within its lower ranks.

Hegseth’s Appointment to DOD Secretary From a Black Army Veteran’s Point of View

As a Black Army veteran, I have seen firsthand the racial, gender, and religious tensions that have long simmered within the military. Now comes Pete Hegseth—the top dog—who cannot escape the shadow of his racist tattoos, past anti-Muslim rhetoric, and regressive views on women in combat. His leadership is bound to deepen these divisions, causing damage to military cohesion and morale that could take decades to repair. I can assure you that there are a bunch of Black and other nonwhite, Muslim, and women soldiers “not feeling it” right now.

I deeply empathize with the men and women soldiers who will soon face unprecedented challenges under Hegseth’s leadership. The sweeping “house cleaning” that Hegseth and Trump have pledged, along with current and forthcoming executive orders, may force you into a grim reality—confronting your own fellow citizens. No one joins the military to face such a future. And just think, thanks to Trump’s executive orders, there will no longer be any Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs to soften the onslaught. Training for officers, NCOs, and troops on navigating interactions with diverse ethnicities, genders, and religions will be entirely eliminated. Whew, lawdy! Hmmph! Trump and his sycophant, Hegseth, have made it clear—There will be no mercy for “the others.”

Putin, XI, and Kim Celebrate Their Manchurian

Meanwhile, America’s adversaries like Putin, Xi, and Kim must be throwing a victory parade in their war rooms, complete with confetti and shots of vodka, baijiu, and soju, celebrating this self-inflicted wound as if the US just handed them the keys to the Pentagon. Their Manchurian candidate, Trump, not only won reelection but appointed an unqualified, bigoted drunkard to head its military.

What a joke we have become to the world, all in pursuit of a white nationalist agenda as outlined in Project 2025. The agenda is a 180-degree turn away from the direction towards the light that has made America the world’s hope.

A Great American Democracy Replaced By a Project 2025 Dystopia

America’s embrace of religious freedom, rejection of slavery, and race and gender discrimination are what genuinely make this melting pot a beacon of hope—a testament to the idea that humanity can thrive in harmony and that equal opportunity is possible for all. We haven’t reached that utopian ideal yet, but for the past 250 years, we’ve been striving toward it. Now, Trump and his base of white Christian nationalists aim to halt this “great experiment” and drag the country back to its starting point.

Trump’s troubling agenda of white Christian nationalism is driven by the sacred scriptures of the Holy Book of Project 2025—a manifesto treated as if it were divinely inspired. Well, shouldn’t we all believe too? Especially since Trump claimed at his inaugural address that God saved him from an assassin’s bullets so he could “save America.” Or some nonsense along those lines. And behold the miracle Trump delivered: appointing the most unfit and unqualified cabinet official in history to one of the most critical positions in the world—and pulling it off. For those spineless Republican senators, the fear of Trump—or perhaps the fear of his most ardent supporters prone to sending death threats—clearly outweighs any fear of God or concern for their country. Or maybe they believe Trump is God? For those folk who believe Trump is God or that he has some special connection to God, let me tell you, Trump is the farthest thing from God. Yet I’ll give him this, and I mean this with all sincerity: Donald J. Trump has proven himself to be the most masterful con artist in history; no one has ever executed deception and grift on such a grand scale.

Despite the delusional fervor of the MAGA cult and the mastery of Trump’s deceptions, their diabolical white Christian nationalism stands in blatant opposition to America’s 250-year journey toward the guiding light of justice and equality. So, with every stroke of Trump’s pen that signs an executive order and every scornful, disparaging word and act aimed at those who dare to oppose him, the once-bright beacon of hope grows dimmer, casting an ominous shadow over this nation.

Soon, the light will vanish entirely—unless we rise and fight back.

Related Links

Trump’s Executive Actions: Advancing a White Nationalist Agenda

Trump and Musk’s Golden Era: An Imminent Threat to Democracy and Equality

Project 2025 Mandate (Full PDF)